Our invoicing address has changed

Our invoicing address has changed

Our e-invoicing address and address for receiving paper invoices will change. In the future, we will receive your e-invoice to the following address: 003715531904, operator ID 003701150617 (PostNord Strålfors Oy).

If your company does not have the possibility to send us e-invoices, you can send them as e-mail invoices to fi-mailinvoice@postnordscanning.com with the following billing address in the invoice pdf:
Tarkmet Oy
PL 38811063
00019 SSC

Or as paper invoices to the address below.
Tarkmet Oy
PL 38811063
00019 SSC

NB! We do not receive paper invoices to previous billing address after after 31.10.2024. Invoices are delivered to scanning center via billing address and therefore it is important that address is correctly typed in the invoices first page.

If you have some questions about the invoices/invoicing, you can contact sales@tarkmet.fi or directly your own contact person.